AuroVision Consulting Moves Human Resources to the Cloud

Based on the provided case study about AuroVision Consulting (AVC) moving its Human Resources to the Cloud, here are few questions and answers:

  1. Why did AuroVision Consulting (AVC) decide to transform its Human Resources function? AuroVision Consulting decided to transform its Human Resources function to meet the changing demands of its business. As the company expanded its business model to include turnkey and custom solutions in various industries, it needed a more strategic and efficient HR function. The company wanted to find the right people with the right skills faster and more cost-effectively. They aimed to proactively identify top talent, cultivate relationships with candidates, and enhance their reputation as an employer of choice.
  2. What were the main challenges faced by AVC’s Human Resources department before the transformation? Before the transformation, AVC faced several challenges, including:
    • Multiple disparate local HR systems and spreadsheets holding employee data.
    • Lack of integration with the legacy HR system in the United States.
    • Inability to obtain an enterprise-wide view of the workforce.
    • Complex and time-consuming manual data aggregation processes.
    • No mobile access to HR data and applications.
    • Limited analytics and reporting capabilities.
    • Lack of a global platform for compensation, benefits, and absence management.
  3. What solution did AVC choose to address these challenges, and why? AVC chose Oracle HCM Cloud as the solution to address these challenges. Oracle HCM Cloud is a cloud-based system for Human Capital Management (HCM) that provides a single global HR solution. AVC selected it because of its flexibility, streamlined modern interface, and capabilities for recruiting, performance management, talent development, and succession planning. The system also met the security and regulatory control requirements for safeguarding HR data, which was essential for AVC.
  4. What benefits has AVC realized from implementing Oracle HCM Cloud? Implementing Oracle HCM Cloud brought several benefits to AVC, including:
    • Reduced hiring time and cost.
    • Improved identification, development, and retention of top talent.
    • Increased employee referral rates and rewards for referrals.
    • Cost savings by reducing payments to search firms.
    • Easier integration of employees from acquisitions.
    • Enhanced access to workforce information for decision-making.
    • Faster and more accurate reporting and analytics.
    • Streamlined global processes for international staff assignments and data integrity.
  5. How did AVC manage the transition to the new HR system, considering the need to maintain ongoing operations? AVC managed the transition by implementing a time-sharing plan that allowed HR and IT staff involved in the project to balance their responsibilities. This approach ensured that the business continued to operate smoothly while the modernization project was underway. Staff members contributed to the project when their expertise was most needed and then returned to their regular jobs.
  6. What additional capabilities of Oracle HCM Cloud is AVC planning to utilize for its business growth? AVC is planning to further utilize the compensation capabilities of Oracle HCM Cloud, especially in managing sales force compensation. They have kept sales compensation as a separate initiative, and they intend to use the system to handle complex bonus packages tailored for salespeople in different countries, including tracking multiple bonus plans and enabling mobile approvals for bonuses or salary increases.

Note: The above study material is for reference purposes only

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